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BKS Iyengar: Yoga Legend

Updated: Jun 20, 2022

BKS Iyengar began teaching Yoga at the age of 18 in 1936, in the city of Pune, India, under the guidance of his guru and brother in law- Krishnamacharya- despite suffering extreme deprivation, poverty and illness, as a child. Until his passing in 2014 at age 94, Iyengar practiced, taught and advanced the gift of Yoga to students, across all five continents.

BKS Iyengar is renown for his inspiring method of practice and teaching; his introduction of yoga props, his groundbreaking management of illnesses and injuries as well as his specific study, of Yoga’s benefits for women.

The author of many authoritative works on Yoga including the classic text, Light on Yoga, Light on Pranayama, Light on the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali and Light on Life.

Without a dounbt, BKS Iyengar has had a profound impact on the way practitioners of this art, science and philosophy, understand Yoga today.

His daughter Geeta and Prashant, vastly accomplished teachers in their own right, also composed many illuminative texts on Yoga including Geeta Iyengar’s seminal work, Yoga. A Gem for Women and Prashant Iyengar’s “The Alpha and Omega of Trikonasana” and “A Class after a Class”.

Following Geeta’s passing in 2018, yengar’s granddaughter, Abhijata, has taken on the mantle of the Iyengar Yoga tradition to ignite passion in new and established students globally, as a gifted exponent of this vast and timeless subject.

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